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Samukele Ncube is a Creator whose gift lies in writing. Writing has been the cornerstone of her journey towards healing and learning self-love, and her debut collection of poetry, "Things You Need to Hear Most" has allowed her to embrace her gift of writing for the first time, while also offering others healing through words that she needed on her darkest days. 


In a world that constantly tells us who we should be, she is a strong believer that we all have the answers that we seek to live out our life's purpose and strives to help others rediscover their internal guiding voice through her work. She is also a certified Yoga Teacher, Unified Mindfulness Level 2 Coach, and Digital & Content Marketer, and continues to discover new passions each day.


You can find her book at Chapters-Indigo, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and Octopus Books in Ottawa.

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